Shannon Cristie

Shannon cristie

Body of Life


About Me

Shannon Cristie, BA, LMT, CST, BCTMB

Body, Energy & Movement Therapies for a Life Well Lived

A lifetime of study and experience in the unfolding and development of consciousness. 30+ years in practice. Ohio University honors graduate. Nationally Board Certified in Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. Career member of the American Massage Therapy Association.

Having a natural gift for multi-dimensional Presence, the materialized form and all things touch, I am deeply inspired and guided by the dance of divine embodiment - my own and others - through direct collaboration with body systems, fields, consciousness and our support in Spirit.

About the work

Accessing Levels of Origin, Transforming Limitations, & Growing Wholeness

Individual, group, in person, virtual (animal friends, too); from the comfort of your home, my office, vital and potent spaces in Nature, retreats, residencies.

We partner within the Living Field of Love to reveal the wholeness within all of you - Light Body and Physical Body.

Facilitated guidance of your own multi-dimensional nature at the causal level. Accessing and unwinding age old restrictions in heart, mind, body, spirit. Neutralizing charge. Synchronizing your AllBody, both within You and within the Living Field. Exploring and up leveling your bio luminous self…where Light and Life are weaving within Love.

About You

You are eternal light and consciousness materialized into form. You are One of Many choosing the Love that you are and the Love from which we all arise.

You are noticing that you feel different. The world feels different. You may be experiencing discomfort or pain in your self or your relationships that seem to be related to these larger changes occurring within and around you. You may be feeling some growing pains and the resulting desire to uncover your agency and authenticity.

We live in a time where we are all being revealed; where Life itself is being revealed; discovering our own unique pathways for Clarity and Presence; evolving, growing and navigating rapid shifts.

This is a space that honors and supports your Divine Unfolding. A place where you can feel yourself Land and Breathe. Where you can receive direct guidance, meet like hearted explorers and maybe even have a few laughs and smiles in this Labor of Love.

You are not a drop in the ocean.
You are the entire ocean in a drop.
— Rumi

Get in touch

I’d love to hear from you and answer any questions you might have about the work and how it can be of support. Reach out to schedule a session or just say hello!